Business incubation is a business support process that helps speed up the successful development of newly formed and emergent companies by providing entrepreneurs with a selection of pro-active concentrated guidance, value-added support, and access to critical tools, information, coaching/training, networking opportunities, resources and services. The University has established a business Incubation center (BIC) in the year 2022 to promote innovations and research and also to equip students with relevant skills suitable for the industrial work, entrepreneurship preparedness and Job market competition. As part of our commitment to taking part in the local community development and in support SDG1, each semester we welcome ten (10) micro and small startups from the local community to be on boarded in the business incubation center with no fee involved for a period of six months for incubation. Objectives

The primary objectives of Al-Taqwa University’s BIC are:
• Create new start-ups comprising of AU students, faculty and alumni
• Create internship opportunities for AU students
• Leverage AU’s research and professional expertise
• Create job opportunities in the region
• Reduce barriers to entry for enthusiastic entrepreneurs with bright ideas and high energy
• Boost a culture of entrepreneurship among AU fraternity
• Aligning the objectives with AU’s, ministry of higher education’s and Government of Afghanistan’s vision to help create a knowledge-based economy in Afghanistan
• Create a strong infrastructure for technology transfer in AU by developing an entrepreneurial eco-system
Person 1

Person 1

Position: Position 1


Phone: +1 123-456-7890

Person 2

Person 2

Position: Position 2


Phone: +1 987-654-3210

Person 3

Person 3

Position: Position 3


Phone: +1 555-555-5555