Organizational Structure

Organizational structure is the specific hierarchy of departments and the systematic arrangement of human resources in an organization, in order to identify the roles and responsibilities of each member of the organization in achieving common goals. It also clarifies that how the information flow from the top management to low management inside the organization. For instance, in a centralized structure, decisions flow from the top to low, while in a decentralized structure, decisions are divided among the different levels of the organization. So that having an organizational structure allows an organization to determine how to be effective in its operations.

The organizational structure of Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education is arranged according to the laws and regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education. The Chancellor of the institution is at the top of the organizational structure, while Vice Chancellor of Academic affairs, Vice Chancellor Administrative and Financial Affairs, Vice Chancellor Students of Affairs, faculty of Law and Political Science and Economics, including many administrative and academic departments, central and faculty committees are located at the bottom. The organizational structure is applicable after the approval of the academic council of the institution.